Forever Michael Jackson

I always think that he was too special for this World. But thanks to his special soul, brightness, charisma, music, we had great moments, and we opened our eyes to the true values. He wanted to change this World for better. Amazing…isn’t it? Differences make us greatest.

This portrait is for a very sweet, special person, a pretty princess of rock, someone who I met by Destiny, without knowing who was she infact….I was just catched by her bright smile, beauty and lovely speech…charisma again!

In Japan Destiny is called Unmei, and it is a believe that there is no such a thing called haphazard. Whatever happens, happens because it is inevitable. All is wrote this way since the very beginning of everything. Must this world be filled with love and understanding, must stop the discrimination, violence and wars.

And keep dear World, having persons like Michael, to be born and to have the will to change the World…for better.

yrene yuhmi

cystic fibrosis fighter, 2015 August 29th

Portrait by yrene yuhmi
Portrait by yrene yuhmi

Portraiting Mario

What a long, strange, WINDY!, difficult winter…I cannot complain but since my grandmother Irene passed away on January, things are getting odd and my Health is getting worse…

I also remember grandfather Fernando so much…And our black cat, our baby, Rona, passed away on last Summer…

People can think «it’s just a cat, come on!»

No…She wasn’t just a cat. She was a very important existence for us and us for her during 10 years…

I can’t take out of my mind my grandmother sitting with Rona at home, taking a cup of coffee and sweets together.

Rona loved my grandmother and my grandmother loved Rona. The two existences are not here anymore.

My Life and Mom’s Life, both are just like a book which has been teared apart, here and there, becoming a sad,

destroyed book non complete.

The memories are only in our minds, but the real ones aren’t here anymore.

So sadness comes easily to us and make things difficult! Specially with a rare disease. Cystic Fibrosis made my life change in a crazy way. Now I see how serious it is, but also I can see I am so fortunate I am still alive, at home, and with a family and friends.

And I can still keep drawing, even if my hand gives me trouble, I can still try it, keep it up and imagine my next chapters of «Armend y Liend» novels!

I will survive! as the song says!

Sorry for being so blue and for being late on the final volume of Armend y Liend series ^_^,,

As for the time being, I try to draw people I admire and/or love ^_-

Here is a little portrait with Japanese patterns, and feeling, to Mario Vaquerizo:

Mario Vaquerizo por Yrene Yuhmi
Mario Vaquerizo por Yrene Yuhmi

The kanji (on your T-shirt) I choose is FUKU, good fortune, that is what I wish you have along with my so admired and beloved Olvido Gara 😀



ALASKA, my favorite artist & singer, Olvido Gara

When I was 10 years old more or less, I remember my first time falling in love with a woman, yes a woman, as a figure I wanted to be, the person I saw like an idol since the first glimpse.
Alaska had a tv kids show called La bola de Cristal, my little brother and I watched it (always!!) my little sister was still a baby.

But before that, Alaska was a hit music during the first steps of Spanish Pop on the 80′

A hit music reaaaally impacting and different, style, voice, songs, lyrics…Everything was a great transgression and change that marked Music until now.

I love her style, her voice, her songs…She is a very special person on my Life, because she taught me something that was inside me, pulling it out with her lyrics: to be free, free from what other thinks about me, being myself and keeping my truth up.

Same as my Mom and best friend taught me ^_-

I am working on a project for Alaska: portraits with a feeling of Japan. It is going to be called SOLO ALASKA.

I update to put some of them, because my hand is not working too ok lately -_-),, At fault: Cystic Fibrosis and an old neck sprain ^^,,, but I am keeping it up!!

Alaska, Olvido Gara
Alaska, Olvido Gara with purple kimono.
Alaska por Yrene Yuhmi
Alaska por Yrene Yuhmi, blue kimono and kokeshi
Retrato por Yrene Yuhmi
Alaska, Olvido Gara, Retrato por Yrene Yuhmi

See you next time! thanks for stopping by!!


Yrene Yuhmi