La que fui, la que soy, la que quiero ser

Yo ya no sé para qué escribo, ante el silencio del Mundo…
No sé por qué sigo con este monólogo de una vida que no es mía,
y que debo gobernar, con mi varita mágica de la fe y el desengaño.
Cómo llegar a contar mis años, sin tapujos y sin miedo,
al que dicen, digo que dije, y siguen con el dirán.

Una niña que no sabía, que iba a agonizar antes de la pubertad,
y que vería romper en mil escamas de lágrimas, sus sueños e ilusiones,
antes de que aprendiera a bailar con su abuela, de la sevillana, la tercera.
No pudo decirle a un cúpido inexperto, que amaba a ese par de azules
de una mirada inocente…
Bajó las escaleras de una vieja facultad de historia, sin apenas fuerzas,
envuelta en un abrigo demasiado grande, para no volver atrás,
porque sus pasos ya tiraban de ella hacia aquellos castillos donde las batas blancas tiranizan y cortejan con sabidurías a medias…

Luchó contra aquellos que no aplauden aunque vean morir a la hermosa Campanilla, contra los que malhablan para ensalzar su ignorancia y contra
los látigos que a su cuerpo le instiga una enfermedad, que hasta en el nombre,
muestra su cruel fealdad.

Y resurge, y vuela un poco más alto, sus alas heridas pueden al menos avanzar un poquito más…Si sonríe es porque lo heredó de su madre.
Esa niña de alas rotas, busca siempre el sol y las playas, en donde reposa el alma y los poetas reinan.
Esa niña soy yo, y ya no sé por qué escribo, ni por qué quiero seguir agitando ante el Mundo, esta varita mágica de fe y de melancolía, buscando un lugar en el que habitar. Un lugar en el que mi nombre, suene, vibre y se deje amar.

Yrene Yuhmi 2020

A qué olían los Inviernos / Little prayer for Homeless 昔の冬の匂い

Sarah and Yrene Yuhmi

Los inviernos solían oler
a mandarinas y a leña, 
a sopa caliente
y a chocolate negro, bien espeso...
Los inviernos te presionaban
las sienes con sus helados dedos, 
molestándote y obligándote 
a vestir guantes, 
gorros y botas de montañero.

Cada vez se hace más duro, 
hay menos mandarinas, 
menos leña y menos fuego.
Menos ropa y más dolor, 
menos dulces y más miedos.

Ay aquellos que tenéis 
como cama calle fría!
quién pudiera daros 
si quiera la mitad de 
mis recuerdos, en forma de frutas, 
calor, cama y abrazos sinceros...

Yrene Yuhmi 22 11 2019

brown haired boy
Photo by Arvind shakya on


Winters used to smell

like tangerines and wood, hot soup

and dark chocolate, very thick …

Winters pressed your temples

with their icy fingers,

bothering you and forcing you

to wear gloves,

hats and mountaineer’s boots.

Time by time Winter gets harder,

there are less tangerines,

less wood and less fire.

Less clothes and more pain,

less candy and more fears.

Oh those who have

the cold street as a bed!

Who could give you

even half of my memories,

in the form of fruits,

heat, bed and sincere hugs …
Yrene Yuhmi 22th November Year 2019

Ukiyoe Japan art



























イレーネ優海より 11月 22日 2019年


Entre la tierra y el cielo/ Earthing and Faith


yrene yuhmi 2018.JPG
Yrene Yuhmi 2018

Últimamente no he podido

escribir ni dibujar tanto como solía.

No sé por qué, algo en mi mente se rompió,

y me sentía perdida y confusa.

¿Cuándo fue la primera vez

que sentí absoluta felicidad y plenitud?

Sin contar con la Infancia,

fue cuando luché por mi vida

tras la pesadilla del verano del 2001,

en el hospital Vall d’Hebrón.

Después de aquellos infinitos meses

de maltrato físico y psicológico,

pedí el alta voluntaria y

con 29 quilos de peso nos volvimos a casa…

Cuando pisé de nuevo la terraza

de pizarra de mi hogar, y sentí el sol

de Septiembre en mi gélido cuerpo,

aprecié una paz liberadora.

En ese punto comenzó un lucha

que no fue nada fácil,

pero cuando en Mayo del 2002,

comencé a ver resultados en mi cuerpo,

me di cuenta de que había sido mi fe

y una fuerza desconocida,

la que me había devuelto

la paz interior y la felicidad más simple.

Simplemente vivir! Era sólo eso, vivir.

Poder respirar, comer, beber,

moverme libremente por mi casa…

Caminar desnuda por el jardín,

totalmente desinhibida…

Tirarme en el suelo de tierra,

abrazarme a los algarrobos,

los olivos y la mimosa,

que en aquel tiempo crecía bella,

símbolo de mi recuperación…

Hasta hace poco no supe

que aquello que hice

tiene un nombre: «Earthing»

y realmente es curativo y efectivo

hasta puntos ilimitados.

Volví a repasar mi pasado,

aunque hacerlo siempre sea doloroso,

y así volví a verme a mí misma

en las dos fases:

sin libertad y con ella.

Y entonces, recordé lo que es vivir,

simplemente vivir,

y comencé de nuevo a escribir,

poco a poco, frases sencillas,

pensamientos, anotaciones…

Poco a poco, poco a poco,

sobre una base de sufrimiento,

se puede crear un presente de Paz y Seguridad.

Y la Felicidad ya está en nosotros.

Sólo que no la vemos.

Yrene Yuhmi 2019 noviembre 18



Lately I have not been able

to write or draw as much as I used to.

I don’t know why, something

in my mind broke, and I felt lost and confused.

When was the first time

I felt absolute happiness and fulfillment?

Not counting Childhood,

it was when I fought for my life

after the nightmare

of the summer of year 2001,

at the Vall d’Hebrón hospital.

After those endless months of

physical and psychological abuse,

I asked for the

voluntary discharge and,

Weighing only 63 lb we went back home …

When I stepped back on the

slate terrace of my home,

and felt the September sun

on my icy body, I felt a liberating peace.

At that point a fight began,

and was not easy, but when in May 2002,

I began to see results in my body,

I realized that it had been

my faith and an unknown force,

the one that had given me

inner peace and the simplest happiness.

Just live! It was just that simple: To Live.

To be able to breathe,

eat, drink, move freely

around my house …

Walking naked through the garden,

totally uninhibited …

Throwing myself on the dirt floor,

hugging carob trees,

olive trees and mimosa,

which at that time

was growing beautiful,

a symbol of my recovery …

Until recently I did not know

that what I did has a name: «Earthing»

And it really is healing

and effective to unlimited points.

I went over my past again,

although doing so is always painful,

and so I saw myself again

in the two phases:

without Freedom and with it.

And then, I remembered

what it is to live, just to live,

and I began to write,

little by little,

simple phrases, thoughts, notes …

Gradually, little by little,

on a basis of suffering,

a present of peace and security

can be created. Builded up.

And Happiness is

already within us.

But we just cannot see it.

Yrene Yuhmi 2019 November 18th

Y conocí a mis mejores amigos: mis hermanos.



Ojalá pudiera daros la felicidad

que me distéis,

la que me seguís dando,

multiplicada por mil millones de eras.
Cuando me pregunto que hago yo aquí,

en este mundo y con esta vida,

vuestras sonrisas me vienen a la mente,

diapositivas de manos pequeñas

jugando en el terreno,

imaginando aventuras bajo el sol de esos

inviernos llenos de sueños pagano-cristianos,

bajo esas estrelladas noches

de esos veranos llenos de cuentos improvisados.

Si estoy aquí es para veros,

sentiros y quereros,

aunque nunca sea suficiente…

Aunque no pueda ayudaros ni protegeros,

os llevo a fuego en el pecho y en el pensamiento.

Nada más fuerte que nuestro lazo.

Mi mayor amor, mi orgullo, mi energía: Mis hermanos.

Yrene Yuhmi 2019

shin chan y himawari
Shin chan y Himawari

I wish I could give you

the happiness you both gave me,

the happiness you both

keep giving me,

multiplied by a billion years.
When I wonder what I do here,

in this world and with this life,

your smiles come to my mind,

slideshows of small hands

playing on the ground,

imagining adventures

under the sun of those

winters ruled by

pagan-Christian dreams,

under those starry nights

of those summers

filled with improvised stories.

If I am here it’s to see you both,

feel and love you,

even if it is never enough …
Although I cannot help you or protect you,

I carry you in my heart and thoughts.
Nothing stronger than our bond.

My greatest love, my pride, my energy: My brothers.

Yrene Yuhmi 2019



Kids doddles





























イレーネ優海 2019





Vivir sin miedo

yrene yuhmi garden


Si pudiera salir corriendo dejaría atrás hasta mis pasos.

Si pudiera salir huyendo

no podrían saber de mí ni las aves

que desde el cielo todo lo observan.

Si pudiera vivir sin miedo

no habría felicidad que no pudiera atrapar

con estas dos pequeñas manos.

Si pudiera vivir sin el control de sus grilletes

cuán ligero estaría me ha agotado corazón.

22 julio 2019

© Yrene Yuhmi


If I could run away

I would leave behind my own steps.

If I could run away,

nor even the birds

that observe everything from the sky

wouldn’t know about me.

If I could live without fear

there would be no happiness

that I couldn’t catch with

these two little hands.

If I could live without the control

of their shackles,

how light my exhausted heart would be!

Merry «Maries» alive Navidad 2018

Hoy, Navidad, no tengo que decirlo. Medio mundo se está gastando los duros
en aparentar ser felices…
Pero como soy cristiana, celebro que Nuestro Señor Jesus naciera,
en un pueblo pequeño, sin casa ni comida, en una noche que probablemente,
fuera en diciembre o en marzo, fue bien fría.

Voy a rezar por las mujeres, por las que han sido asesinadas,
por las que viven muriendo un poquito cada día, y por las que, por desgracia,
moriremos en un futuro cercano, si los políticos que llevan el país,
no cambian las leyes de una vez.
Muy ocupados están en tener el pandero en su ansiado puesto,
jugando a venerar banderas y a pelearse por los colores que cada cual idolatra…

Por ellos no rezo, pero sí por el pueblo, ese sí que es mi bandera. Ellas y ellos
sí que llevan el país, pero a hombros. Y cómo pesa…

Que Dios os bendiga con paz, que Budha os de sabiduría,
que Vishnu os ayude a unir lazos y Alah os calme el dolor de las heridas.

Que la música no falte en vuestras casas,
que los libros no vistan más de polvo.

Que los maridos no malmariden,

que las mujeres tengan libertad.
Que las hadas y los duendes velen por los niños,
y no haya monstruo que no se pueda derrotar.

Que no haya enfermedad que no se cure,
y que no tengamos que poner nombres raros y largos a las jugarretas de los genes.

Que no haya mesa sin pan ni cama sin techo,
que no haya poeta sin alma ni panadero sin paciencia,
que no olvidemos a la hermana que tenemos a cien pasos,
que no dejemos de dar abrazos, que es lo nuestro.
Y que no falte en ninguna casa la risa, porque sin reír,
la vida, casi que no merece la pena.
Feliz Navidad, Felices Pascuas, Merry Xmas.



yrene yuhmi 2018



Yes, Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays! I must say. Everybody spending a lot of money to

pretend we are happy together even if we are not.

But I am Christian so I celebrate that Our Lord Jesus came to this world,

born in a little town, without bread neither home, during a cold night,

(no matter His BirthDay was in December or in March, it had to be chilling right?)

I am going to pray for THE WOMEN. The ones who has been murdered, the ones who

are being murdered little by little day by day, and the ones who are going to be

murdered, sadly, if our politics don’t change the laws for good. But they are too busy

accommodating their butts on their so desired positions,

playing to worship flags, and fight over  the colors that each of them adores.

I don’t pray for them, but I pray for the People, women and men, who really

lead this country, carry it on their backs, not easy task, because it’s heavy, so heavy…


May God bless you with Peace, May Budha gives you wisdom,

May Vishnu help you keep the bonds, May Alah ease the pain of your wounds.


Wish you have music everyday all your life,

And that our books don’t dress with dust anymore.


Wish the fairies and elves, look after our children,

and all monsters can be defeated.


With not more disease can’t be incurable,

and that we would not have to put strange names to

the pranks of the gene.


Wish there is not table without bread,

Wish there is not poet without soul, and not baker without patience.


Wish we don’t forget the sister who lives just next door,

and that we don’t stop giving hugs, we are cut our for this!


And I wish every home has laughs, because without laughing,

this Life is not worth the effort.


Feliz Navidad, Merry Xmas, Happy Holdidays.

I mean it!!


yrene yuhmi 2018



This big teddy bear is as old as I am ^^ She has been with me until now…Memories of better times, childhood and dreams, innocency and laughs. I want to be a kid again!













ELLA no necesita un meme por WhatsApp

La familia, los amigos, los lazos, los conocidos…miles de memes y citas compartidas por WhatsApp o publicadas en Facebook. Qué fácil, ¿verdad? Muy fácil este tipo de compromiso humano y social.

Cuando en las noticias vemos que han matado a otra mujer en España, que su marido o pareja o ex la ha asesinado,

aparecen sus vecinos y hermanos, familiares indignados, con carteles y lagrimones, que no sé si creerme, por desgracia.

¿Cómo es posible que no sepa alguien que su hermana vive con un psicópata/un tipo agresivo sin alma ni principios?

La verdadera familia está siempre contigo, sabe qué te preocupa, qué te duele, qué te gusta, qué te hace feliz, te ayuda y se deja ayudar, sabe a qué hora te vas a dormir, y cuándo te levantas.

Sabe con quién vives: porque esa verdadera familia ha vivido también contigo y con esa persona que dice quererte.

Conoce a esa persona como tú misma.

Este país necesita menos hipócritas y más valientes si queremos cambiar la situación de horror que viven muchas mujeres, de todas las edades y nacionalidades.

Si queremos acabar con el abandono, la depresión, la incomprensión, la soledad del discapacitado, la tortura del sujeto sin nombre que aterroriza a diario a su mujer y a sus hijos….si queremos acabar con todo este infierno: demos la cara, hablemos directamente con quien queremos hablar, no finjamos que todo va bien porque me lo han contado.

Sí, en primera persona: que te lo expliquen ELLAS, qué tienen voz y derecho a levantarla. Pero si no estás con ella, si no la ves, ni sabes de su día a día, ¿qué porras vas a lograr?

Olvida el dibujo adorable de buenas noches en el WhatsApp y convive y actúa como quien eres: una hermana, una vecina, una amiga, una cuñada, una prima.

Si no te apetece, sal de su vida y miéntele a otra.

Pero no a ella: ya tiene a un gran enemigo pegado a su existencia, no necesita más intrusos que no la apoyen ni la crean.

A ellas: JUSTICIA, y una sencilla vida SIN grilletes ni abandono.

Rezo de corazón por ellas; lucho con mis palabras por ellas.

Yrene Yuhmi 2018 Agosto

The summer when Lady H.H.Holmes almost killed me

Confesiones por email “Así nació Yrene Yuhmi”
— 読み進める

I’ve been thinking a lot these days, and I did not dare to write to you … I still have very bad memories of when I did not know what I was suffering from, and the anguish is very strong with those memories.

This is in my case, which is different, although each case is unique because there are many types of CF mutations, and that makes each patient different. Broadly speaking, CF is genetic, it produces a degeneration of the whole body, because it affects at cellular level. You can find a lot of information on CF federation site or at Wikipedia!

But to get to the point, and roughly, it’s diagnosed at birth, and affects the lungs greatly, and the digestive system, pancreas, liver, genital tract, skin, muscles, bones … In CF, there is an excess of excretion or mucus in all the organs, for example, our sweat is very salty, that’s why when we talk about CF we hear the expression «salty kisses»

we lose a lot of salt, so we need a supplement, mostly during summer. The pancreas does not produce enzymes, and sometimes, unfortunately, neither insulin (nor endocrine function nor exocrine) so you have diabetes in addition.

The liver is also tired and transaminases can be altered, the genital flow is constant, mucous; in men there is a high probability of being sterile … the malabsorption causes us to lose many kilos with great ease, and this is a problem above all in time of growth, that is why it is important to be diagnosed immediately.

A few years ago the CF test was added to the others tests that are done on the baby’s foot. But I was born in 1976! And whatever the reason was, I didn’t have a diagnose.

I was a healthy baby, but my mother tells me I had some episodes of being very thin, at age five, and then at 13, I started with constant diarrhea. They said that it was lactose intolerance (in CF you can have celiac disease and intolerances due to digestive problems, they are all secondary diseases due to the cystic fibrosis)

My mother fought hard to know why I was always sick, losing weight, with diarrhea, indigestion always, nausea but never vomiting, a state of eternal nausea … many years of struggle, going to different doctors, hospitals … Tarragona and Barcelona … finally, a doctor specialised in food allergies and paediatrician, working in Barcelona, ​​Dr. Jaume Botey and Sala, very old, wise, a man with a big and strong constitution, and ethical talking totally impartial, he made me “the test of sweat” and it gave positive.

I had CF, and only knowing what I was suffering from, despite being an incurable and mortal disease…

It made the whole family breathe easy!

The bad thing was the research stage, which many doctors believed I had anorexia (the 90s were the years of awareness and extension of what appeared to be this disease) and although all psychiatrists and professionals completely ruled out I had anorexia, a couple of doctors (no psychiatrists) did not want to budge.

During the year 2001 I had to be hospitalised because of cachexia, I weighed only 30 kilos: it was a hell for me… (I did not recognize myself, it hurt me to look at me in the mirror, I did not go out just because I was scared of my appearance, or of people whispering about me without dissimulation, to the point of making cry my little sister…I recall this situation was in a clothes shop called «Stradivarius”

I remember it because we mom and sisters, could almost never go out, and she was 13 or 14 years old, (the age of going with her big sister to shop and enjoy those times and that age …)

No matter how hard I tried to gain weight, I was plummeting. First the doctors thought it was an immune disease of the liver, but it was not like that.

In Barcelona, ​​the head of the plant, a big fish of Vall d’Hebrón hospital, was the digestologist who took my case.

She did not like the fact that Dr. Botey gave me the diagnosis…And who knows why, she always seemed angry with me and my mother. She was a mean and arrogant woman.

One day, fed up with my case, she told me that if I kept going like that (?)

she could not do anything.

I said: “I do not want to continue like this either, that’s why I’m here,

you have to help me»

she said there were more doctors in Spain, and we made the consultation at two.

«If you do not save me, God will save me,» I replied, crying.

And she screamed with arrogance and despise, «well, so God do save you!»

I left crying and ran without knowing where inside the digestive plant, and my mother did not know whether to follow me, or continue trying to talk to the doctor, at that absurd and nightmare-like “end of the consultation”, without further hope, she realised her period just came suddenly: and It was a considerable hemorrhage.

Once in Tortosa, I was admitted to a clinic, and there they put me a tube to be fed by vein, do not know what is the correct name in English, but it was a tube that ran from the intravenous feeding machine, to the heart, from the back of the elbow.

In that clinic they could not treat CF, so they sent me to Vall d’Hebron on the condition (I asked for) of not even having to see “the evil female doctor” in question. The deal was established and they took us there by ambulance.

As soon as I arrived, a doctor and around ten interns came in, examined all my belongings, treated me like someone despicable … and so started our nightmare:

The plant manager M.D. did appear, they broke the deal…

The summer of 2001 was the most eternal and terrible season of our lives.

They did psychological tests to both of us, my mother did not have to go through that, but anyway they did it… instead of treating my CF, they were desperately looking for an eating disorder. The psychiatrists and psychologists continued to argue that it was not like that, that I was depressed by my physical condition and by being always sick.

They took me to the hardest Psychiatric area, the Pedopsychiatrists interrogated us both, in separate rooms, for a few hours. We had already gone through hard questions in Tortosa. It was as if I was to blame for what was happening to me.

In pedopsychiatrist area, the doctor, a well known eminence, determined that I did not have anorexia neither anything similar.

In any case, the digestive doctor did not want to hear it.

She came to the room at eleven o’clock or so, with a bunch of interns. Everyday.

One day I remember she taking my arm and squeezing it hard:

«Do you see “this”? She does not have muscle mass, as she does not eat, her body does not have any fat »

«Sorry, but I do eat” I said, and I looked at them, trying to find someone to help me, someone who believed me.

«Leave her alone, don’t mind her, she’s crazy» the doctor replied without any doub, almost throwing my arm aside.

“She is crazy” words like those made me swallow the tears every single day, being aware that I wasn’t getting any better.

Then I got transferred to a “special room” where just one day before was hospitalised an old man who has lost his mind.

When I gained the nurses trust and friendship, one of them told me that there was a listening device there, and warned my mother and me about it…then we really realised things were really going so bad, and I understood that I wasn’t going to get well, I will never be cured, not on that room.

The other patients at the same plant didn’t eat too much, I remember one who always refused the hospital food and ate cocoa powder like a kitty.

Their intravenous machine was at full throttle not like mine, so they gained the weigh quickly and got out that horrible place in no time.

The treatment was really really different. I didn’t understand why. I couldn’t.

I asked forty voluntary discharge since the medical treatment wasn’t working and wasn’t the adequate. It was at half September. I wanted to be back home, I didn’t want to die there, if it was going to happen, I preferred to be at my own bed.

The struggle until beginning of spring of next year was strange, because I felt with such a will of living and getting over all that, and little by little I gained weigh, around March of 2002. But I was swelled like a balloon. My tummy was like a barrel, my skin hurt, there was a lot of liquids inside me. Doctors didn’t know the reason, or didn’t wanted to say it to me.

The point is that I was almost recovered around June. It was what I call a miracle. (I know it’s not something people use to believe in, but I do)

But what happened? Now I have some idea.

During my stay in the hospital, we met an old lady, quite rich, who always praised the evil doctor who now, I call lady H.H.Holmes*

While she ask tacs and other tests on me, I listened to her egocentric talk with other doctors who looked like puppies liking her shoes to get a candy.

She was studying and trying to do a new pancreas transplant, something that would made her the top of the top on medicine. Or something like that.

I wondered why she was so sure I was going to die.

She really seemed she wanted me to fail on my recovery. Even gave me all pills or medicines with lactose or gluten on purpose, since I had the diagnose from a doctor she seemed to hate.

The important point is that f I died she could have a pancreas which could made insulin, so it was perfect for a transplant.

Perfect for her Plan? Of course, all of this is just a guess, a conjecture. I can’t be sure about it, just something seems to make the whole puzzle complete.

And now, right in this sadly socially and politically rotten Spain, I see all the xenophobia I have tasted since my childhood, become a finished canvas easily understanding. I lived in a region were Castilla and Andalusian emigrants were and still are hated and looked down.

I was in bad hands, but those hands were M.D.

That lady H.H. Holmes made my family suffer to an extreme you can’t imagine.

When I was almost recovered from liquids and new body changing (I was like a slime turning into a human!) I went to see the nurses who tried to know me and changed their mind about me, since they were told to do as I was a prison burglar or some kind of monster.

They saved me. I am so thankful!!

On the corridor of the same plant I was hospitalised, we chatted happily about my recover. Then, lady H.H.Holmes appeared from behind, and everybody face changed colours. I didn’t even turn out. I felt a chill all over my back.

She said, “oh, Irene, you look amazing” as if nothing had happened.

I just said “Thanks to God” keeping myself towards the nurses.

Lady H.H.Holmes vanished after being ignored.

Other patients had to pass through what we passed.

She just picked her victims for some strange reason only she knew.

I don’t know where is she, what she does, and I don’t care.

The past is filled with memories, but there is no room for her neither for the bad moments.

From bad moments I got good experiences. You can get some funny anecdote from terrible experiences.

It’s what I want to think, because it happens to us at home.

Now I keep the struggling!

And if our Lord gave me another chance, must be for some reason.

I want to keep it up, love and live!

And make some justice too, someday…

So then, I wrote a long letter my friend!

And it’s only a glimpse of the whole thing,

Thanks so much for reading my lines.

I hope you got an idea of what happened to me.

Thanks for your concern and interest about this disease Cystic fibrosis,

I wish more people were like you are!

And just how I always use to sign,

Love & Peace


Yrene Yuhmi (Ren)


The Master of the Murder Castle


Edited: year 2020, I just knew that the evil doctor passed away some years ago…I don’t feel anything about her. It is an strange feeling…

Catch your dreams / ¡Atrapa tus sueños!

Catch your dreams

Catch your dreams
— Read on

Hace mucho que no me dejo ver, que no me paro a escribir unos minutos en el blog…Querría tener algún cuento que contar, pero mi fábrica de historias es ahora como jaula de mil pájaros locos. Mucha imaginación dibujando bocetos en rincones y paredes de mi mente, una Brujilla que dirige sin ton ni son, y una total desorganización de capítulos comienzos y finales.

A la brujilla le digo, mientras procuro que los duendes de mis sueños no armen demasiado jaleo:

_ Ayúdame un poco y pon orden, ¡esto es un desastre!

Pero está demasiado ocupada echando de mis cajones de pensamientos a las pesadillas y los ogros del miedo.

La brujilla me suele mirar hastiada, pidiéndome que por favor deje de trazar sueños a ciegas, sin cumplirlos, y que me lance como solía hacer antes. Que me suelte la melena, que sea más loca; que mande al carajo a la frustración, a la impotencia y a la desilusión.

_ Tú no eres así – me reprocha la brujilla – ¡rompe esos muros y sal volando!

_ Ay Brujilla, pero mira cuántos dibujos, cuántos cuentos e historietas…podría empapelar con ellos un museo al que no iría nadie.

A lo que la Brujilla me contesta:

_ Sería un museo divertido, ¿por qué no empezamos ya a empapelar? Uno de esos museos aburridos que estén libres de cuadros famosos. Uno sin nombre ni dueño, sin mecenas ni publicidad.

Le sonrío, ella se arregla la moña baja que suele llevar, y se coloca bien el sombrero de margaritas. Me pasa un par de manuscritos y haciendo callar a los gorriones azules que suelen encargarse de producirme risas, me dice: «hay mucho que hacer; paso a paso, sin prisa pero sin pausa. Esta mente está hecha un lío, empecemos a empapelar»

Asiento, y mirando el gran atrapa sueños que viste el salón principal donde habitan mis hadas y musas, me propongo cumplir unos cuantos sueños.

Este atrapa sueños es especial porque lo hizo una de mis musas con tanto amor e ilusión que parece un trozo de cielo.

Y esta musa se llama Sara, es un poco de mi y yo un poco de ella. Porque somos hermanas. Si yo soy mente desorganizada, ella es como un hilandera imparable, constante y hacendosa.

Ay porras: algunos papeles están dibujados por ambos lados.

Brujilla, tendremos que pensar en un museo hecho de cristal…¿Se te ocurre algo mejor?

Será mejor que me inspire visitando el blog de Sara, las hermanas siempre son inspiración, ilusión y Alegría.

Y la mía es especialmente musa, desde que nació.

La brujilla se me ha adelantado ya y está ojeando las bonitas fotos de Sara lanzando gritillos de admiración.

Debería retratar a la Brujilla, es bastante pizpireta y comprensiva, creo que os caería bien.

Quizás no tarde en volver a dibujar, y tendré un papel más para seguir empapelando ese museo de vidrio, sin nombre, de nadie, sin mecenas ni promotores.

Pero al fin y al cabo, único y con mi huella y la de la Brujilla.

Yrene Yuhmi 2018

Efemérides Nace Van Gogh Fallece Fernando R. Pando

¿Abuelete, quién me iba a decir que te llevaría la enfermedad el mismo día que nació Van Gogh, el pintor que me inspiró y marcó mi adolescencia?

La vida es muy cínica, caprichosa…y adora jugar con las fechas y los encuentros y desencuentros.

Ya hace cinco años, abuelete. Qué largos y qué cortos. Siempre los dos en nuestra memoria, porque vivimos muy juntos y muy intensamente.

En tres años nuestra Lela, se fue tras de ti. Os echamos mucho de menos…os llevásteis con vuestra sonrisa y vuestra calidez, una gran parte de nuestra existencia. Hasta que llegue el momento, esperadnos en el cielo…

Yrene Yuhmi portrait (Fernando R. Pando durante el servicio militar)

Yrene yuhmi abuelos maternos.


Escrito hace cinco años, cuando comencé este pequeño blog:

«No sabía cómo empezar a hablar de mí aquí. El pasado día 30 de Marzo, mi abuelo, Fernando Rodríguez Pando, murió por enfermedad a los 81 años de edad. Abuelete era un hombre especial, fuerte, un gran orador, autodidacta, memorista (amante de la memoria y los recuerdos), cariñoso, directo y auténtico. Era tan trabajador que sus manos quedaron agarrotadas, con la forma que le dejó el palustre y demás instrumentos del buen paleta. Sin embargo no fue sólo paleta, hizo tantas cosas en la vida, que para mí es un super héroe… Sus ojos azules aún me miran ahora, aunque no esté.

Su voz sigue resonando en mi cabeza, muy viva “No llores, bonita”…Y la calidez de su mano al coger la mía, la siento pero a la vez me hace tanta falta…

Esta entrada quiero que sea un inicio para él y para mí.

Que la enfermedad no trunque más sueños. Que la vida sea vivida con sencillez pero profundamente, sin perderse detalle…

Sin perder ni un poquito de cada persona a la que amo.»

Artículo completo aquí: Primer paso


Gracias a tod@s los que me apoyáis tanto y con tal cariño, tanto en lo referente a la fibrosis quistica como en mi vida como dibujante y escritora.


Yrene yuhmi 30 Marzo 2017









