What I can find cleaning and tiding things to End 2014

Mom does this big clean up since We were kids.We didn’t know in Japan there is a traditional habit (and a very good one as expected!) that is cleaning and tiding everything before the year ends.

I really am amazed Mom seems japanese…maybe someone of our ancesters were samurais who lived in a town near Sevilla, called Coria del Río. My grandfather’s mother came from a town very nearby.

And so maybe this could explain my physical features, very similar to japanese! ^_^

so so then! what can I find tiding up my things? Writings and drawings…️Lots…


It could gave you a harsh headache -.-

I up some of then handscripts to end maybe, this year on the blog…

I really want to finish my novels but I must get healthier ^^,,,

My beloved Rodin, sketch Ink from Beatrix Potter book

Sketches writings Cat on the forest

I love when I find quotes I like wrote there and here on this old old note books 🙂

Like this one by Antón Chejov, one of my favorite russian writers and poets.

Antón Chejov hand writing quote

Russian people Love their past, hate their present and fear their future.

they do not know that the Future which fear so much is going to be the

Present that hate and so this Present, will become the Past they Love so much.

I think it is not only the russian people but every one of us who feel this way…

we must try to live our present to our fullest, as my Mom says:

«Los momentos del presente serán los recuerdos del futuro»

Delores R.D

(the moments in our present will be our memories in the future)


Yrene Yuhmi

Asian lover, eternal student and Cystic Fibrosis Survivor, I learned Japanese alone during almost 4 years, but I still must learn a lot!
Spanish and catalonian native speaker, I also studied italian, english, russian, portuguese and french on my own, and I hope God gives me the oportunity to keep studying because I love to comunicate with all people around the World!

My books are in spanish, you can find them here:




